Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an internationally recognised spokesperson on consciousness, the new physics and the science of spirituality and the award winning author of six books, including The Intention Experiment and The Field, and now with her new release The Bond creates a wonderful trilogy.

Richard Hooper

[box] Richard Hooper[/box] With a bachelor’s degree in the Philosophy of World religions, Richard went on to earn his Masters of Divinity at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California,in 1970, and was ordained as a Lutheran pastor a year later. Hooper’s education took place during the politically radical 1960s, and in the most radical …

Michael S. Schneider

Michael S. Schneider is an educator and writer who encourages a love of learning through an appreciation of mathematics, nature, art and science —author of “The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe”.

Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell is a mythologist, writer and lecturer, best known for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work is vast, covering many aspects of the human experience. His philosophy is often summarized by his phrase: “Follow your bliss.”

Benoît Mandelbrot

Benoit Mandelbrot, pioneering work on fractal geometry made him one of the few modern mathematicians to approach widespread fame. In 1993 Mandelbrot won the Wolf Prize in Physics, and he shared the 2003 Japan Prize with chaos theory pioneer James Yorke of the University of Maryland.

Richard Merrick

Richard Merrick has dedicated his life to blending science, technology and art into innovative digital media experiences and exciting new forms of communication.

Stan Tenen

In 1968, while examining the Hebrew text of Genesis, Mr. Tenen noticed what appeared to be a pattern in the arrangement of the letters. The shows how the alphabet is formed from the inside out.

Massaru Emoto

Dr. Emoto documents “the true nature of water,” and its effects of human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas, and music on the molecular structure of water.

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla symbolizes a unifying force and inspiration for all nations in the name of peace and science. He was a true visionary far ahead of his contemporaries in the field of scientific development.

Michael Tellinger

Michael Tellinger has become one of South Africa’s bestselling export authors. His regular articles on human origins and his book Slave Species of god have been praised by readers in over 20 countries.


Science to Sage is a platform for innovative thinkers, be it scientists, world philosophers, or artists. Curious?  See our universe in new ways. Karen Elkins, Editor, Researcher and Graphic Designer  Science to Sage has hosted these innovative thinkers for the past 11 years.  Be it events,  radio shows, conferences,  interviews,  to  Science to Sage E-Magazine—68 editions strong todate.  …

The Origins of Man

[box] THE ORIGINS OF MAN – MICEAL LEDWITH, MICHAEL CREMO, & JEFFREY ARMSTRONG[/box]   Origins of humanity are re-examined with 3 outstanding international renowned  scholars. From forbidden archaeology, ancient secrets, divine origins, to personal empowerment – science to spirituality.   [issuu width=650 height=753 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120805220855-d6c45566652748a4ab6b386587ca2c9f name=120805220855-d6c45566652748a4ab6b386587ca2c9f username=sciencetosage unit=px v=2]


[box type=”info”] Contact us today if you have a question, some suggestions or want to be a part of the Science to Sage revolution! [/box]


[box] ENTREPRENEUR & VISIONARY[/box] Karen’s entrepreneurial spirit started at the age of 23, with her advertising agency Elkins Creative Services in Los Angeles, California. For 22 years, she brought her creativity and passion catering to a diverse range of clients in the fashion and consumer electronics industries. In the fashion arena, Karen established a successful …

Eliza Mada Dalian

Eliza Mada Dalian is affectionately known as Mada, she brings an evolutionary approach to health, personal transformation, and enlightenment. Mada is a mystic, spiritual guide, internationally acclaimed master healer, seven time award-winning author of In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness.

Peace Circle

E-ZINE OF EVENTS   [issuu width=420 height=272 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120806055200-d132558f2ee14fb0965d11dad37c4868 name=events_2009_10 username=sciencetosage tag=events unit=px v=2]   [box] PEACE CIRCLE – VANCOUVER, BC – 2009[/box] The Peace Circle was in April 2009, on a gorgeous afternoon.  We celebrated our multi-cultureal and multi-faith world with an opening by Dr. Michael Beckwith, the circle included  James Tywman, Satjan Raja, …

Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson, is national commission on creativity, education and the economy for the UK Government. All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education (The Robinson Report) was published to wide acclaim in 1999. He is well known for his passion for creativity in education.